Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Filipina needs to know: THE MORNING AFTER PILL 

After my experience i've decided to put on this blog to inform my fellow Filipina countrymen thAt "WE" filipina has the right to decide for our own sake and for our future.

Let me define first what is a " MORNING AFTER PILL":
-   Simply speaking, it is a drug used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex during fertile days or days that are possible to conceive .

Note: Others mistakenly used some birth control pills to be a MORNING AFTER PILL, though some brands based on my research has the same effect with the available Morning after pill here in our country.

So,The STAR!

The Nordette Birth Control pills

How does this thing work?
Nordette is an oral contraceptive, commonly known as a "birth control pill" or "the Pill". Nordette tablets contain two hormones (levonorgestrel and ethinyloestradiol), which prevent you from becoming pregnant if taken correctly. They are similar to the hormones that your body normally produces.
Nordette prevents pregnancy in several ways:
It inhibits the egg release by stopping it maturing
It changes the cervical mucus consistency making it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg
It changes the lining of the uterus making it less suitable for implantation.


Night of December 8,2013, Me and my partner for 6years had this intimate thing, we made love w/o protection not knowing that im fertile. YES, we didnt really think of that things because in 6years its our, maybe, 7th time to actually do it. So AFTER the love making, I realized that im on my highest peak of conceiving based on the ovulation calculator installed on my phone, after knowing i panicked and went straight to the web and found out this magical thing the " Nordette Pill" it is used by other Filipinas as a morning after pill because it has the same component as a Morning After Pill drug sold in countries in which it is Legal.
My Nordette Journey...

Date of Contact:  Dec 8, 2013
Date took Nordette: Dec 9 - first 4 pills @ 9pm, Dec 10- 2nd batch, took 4 pills @ 9pm.

Note: As you can see on the package that there are days, just took any of the pills and disregard the days.
Again,  1st dose is 4 pills after 12 hours take the 2nd dose, exactly same time with the 1st.

Side Effects of the Pills based on experience...

Sore Boobs, Nausea, Increase Vaginal Discharge, Burping and Insomia.

Women who are using Birth Control Pills are to experience " WITHDRAWAL BLEEDING" wherein the amound of BLOOD is like a spotting, can be Light Pink to Dark Brown, but for others they may not experience, Withdrawal Bleeding may or may not  be a sign that youre safe from pregnancy. Spotting or Implantation Bleeding is Similar to your Withdrawal Bleeding, it is a bleeding, small amount of blood is discharge due to the implantation of the developing embryo on your Uterus.

IN MY CASE : I did'nt experience Withdrawal bleeding, But the bleeding came after  14 days from the 1st dose of Nordette, on the exact date of my ex[ected perio. I was so happy and loving the pain of Menstruation. It was Heavy for 2 days and subsides on the 3rd day. But still, i have question in my mind, Is pregnancy already ruled out? Is this the real bleeding? or the bleeding induced by the pill? So in my part i was hesitant and scared to death in take Pregnancy Test. Even i had questions, Still I didnt take any test, Month of January came, my anxiety came, i was afraid really afraid that i cannot concenrate, 2 weeks before my period i had symptoms that it was coming, tender boobs, pelvic pain and so on, some are pregnancy symptoms, I got more afraid. The last day before my expected period January 21, I decide to have my cervix check, by inserting my Middle finger inside my vagina. Yes, I did it because you can check your cervix for status. Upon removing my Finger i got blood stuck in my nails. AND YES! its blood, but not too much Blood. So i waited and waited. Morning came, Tadaahh! More blood! :) 

I therefore conclude that Nordette is Effective if taken as soon as possible.

YOU CAN DROP your Questions. Ill try to Answer you queries. :)

Not an expert but i think i had enough knowledge. Been reading stuffs and had my Embryology Class. CIAO! :)